Offered for Burning Man at $3500/wk. Compare to commericial renters at $5000 + $99 'prep' fee + $500 'cleaning'
fee + $15 sewage dump fee plus the hassle that you have to do it yourself before returning to the commercial renters,
$3/hr generator fee + $0.29/mile + $5/gallon gas if the tank is not totally filled prior to returning, etc.
etc. = $6000+!!!)
Keep it simple!
Unlimited miles.
Unlimited generator usage.
You cover gasoline and propane though, estimated at and I can fill both for you for $250.
No need to bring it back filled up with water or gasoline or propane (but i'm lazy so the gas and propane tank may
not be filled when you get it). No need to bring it back ridiculously clean (as long as it's not filthy, stained,
or stinky, and of course you'll pay for anything damaged). ** I'll even empty the gray and black water for you, ewww
(but no paper products, not even toilet paper down the toilet please, just put in trash bag).