What if I crash?
It is your vehicle and your responsibility. You must have insurance and your insurance will pay.
I will shred the erasure affadavit if you heavily damage or destroy the vehicle, and sue you for the lien amount
if you don't fix or reimburse me for the loss. See below.
What if he doesn't take or buy the vehicle back?
You've only paid a minimal down payment and frankly it isn't worth my time to force you to pay the
lien if the vehicle is returned back in good condition. I AM TAKING THE RISK, NOT YOU. So you see, this question
really doesn't make any sense UNLESS you heavily damage, destroy, or get another lien placed on the vehicle. See below.
What if I don't want to return the RV or don't want to return it on time. I submit
the erasure affadavit negating the sale. I call the police who will have a warrant for your arrest for
grand theft auto (a felony). This is why I need to hold on to the title throughout.
What if I heavily damage or destroy the vehicle and I'm a slime-ball and I don't arrange to pay for it whether
through me or my insurance?
THIS IS THE REAL RISK, AND IT'S MY RISK!! The reversal of the sale is contingent on vehicle
condition at my sole discretion. You will then feel at risk because I could deny the sale back. But you hardly
paid anything for it and it is highly inconvenient for me to force more money out of you! (Downpayment is but a fraction
of the value of the RV so it wouldn't make any sense for me to not reverse the sale; you could just go out and sell it and
run. I'M TAKING THE RISK, or you return a ruined vehicle and run. I'M TAKING THE RISK.)